Fish eating habits help to prevent “CANCER”.

Fish eating habits help prevent cancer * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Eating 3 or more pieces of fish per week can help prevent bowel cancer.This was revealed in a new medical study.A joint study by Oxford University and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) examined the dietary habits of some 5 million people, filling them with variousContinue reading “Fish eating habits help to prevent “CANCER”.”

11 Amazing 😍 Health benefits of “JAGGERY”.

11 Amazing benefits of eating jaggery are as follows::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Jaggery has a quality clear to the blood and it also purifies the heart. That is why experts say that jaggery can prevent blood diseases. Jaggery prevents constipation and a person suffering from constipation can easily get rid of it by eating jaggery. Jaggery makes theContinue reading “11 Amazing 😍 Health benefits of “JAGGERY”.”

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