Nails Fungus_ How to finish,best treatment

FINISHES the NAILS FUNGUS from the ROOT of the FEET.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: INGREDIENTS. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (1).Sterine Mouth wash 1 Quarter cup. (2).White Vinegar 1 Cup. How to use. :::::::::::::::::::::::: Put all these ingredients in a tub with a Liter of water. Dip the feet in this water for 45 minutes.If the nails are worse then do this procedureContinue reading “Nails Fungus_ How to finish,best treatment”


Miracle Cure of “KIDNEY Failure” from “FIGS”. Synthesis Use.……………………..Dip 5 pieces of “FIGS” in a glass of water all the night,in the morning Grind these figs and eat before 30 minutes of your breakfast.Along with this recite verse 59 of “SURAT Eeraf” of the Holy Quran 11 times.Use this prescriptions for upto 2 months.

Best Treatment of “Hemorrhoids or Piles”.

Best Treatment of “Hemorrhoids or Piles”. Hemorrhoids also known as piles,are swollen veins in the lower part of the “ANUS” and “RECTUM”. When the walls of these vessels are stretched,they become irritated.Although hermorrhoids can be unpleasant and painful,they are easily treated and very preventable.Here present a Great treatment for hemorrhoids. Take a cup of home-madeContinue reading “Best Treatment of “Hemorrhoids or Piles”.”

100% certainty to ERADICATE DIABETES.

Best prescription. 100 % certainty to ERADICATE DIABETES “Sugar”. A best prescription. 1.100 ALMONDS (not bitter).2.100 PEPPER FLAKES.3.100 GREEN CARDAMOM SHELL’S. 4.100 NEEM LEAVE S (Wash and dry). 5.One gram BLACKGRAINS (Roasted)Powder.Grind all of them and use ,”A small spoon” at anytime in a day.Definitely 100% end of DIABETES. شوگر کا سو فیصد یقینی خاتمےContinue reading “100% certainty to ERADICATE DIABETES.”

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